GPSSB Talati 2023 Call Letter (Link OUT), Exam Date & Pattern,


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The OJAS Gujarat website,, now hosts the GPSSB Talati Call Letter for 2023. Applicants can obtain their OJAS Gujarat Talati Admit Card by accessing the direct URL link provided below and logging in using their credentials. It is mandatory for applicants to bring a printed copy of their GPSSB Hall Ticket to the Gujarati Gramme Panchayat Secretary exam. The official website has announced that Admit Cards will be available for download on April 27, 2023, at 01:00 PM, so please visit the site to download your copy talati call letter date.

The Call Letter for GPSSB Talati 2023 is now available.

The call letter for the GPSSB Exam of the Talati cum Mantri 2023 can be obtained online at In order to appear in the examination, applicants must provide their basic details such as their date of birth for verification. The OJAS Village Panchayat Secretary Admit Card will be accessible on the official website by the last week of April 2023. The Board will not send a physical copy of the admit card to each candidate. However, applicants will receive an SMS alert regarding the OJAS Gujarat Village Panchayat Secretary Hall Ticket on their registered mobile numbers.

Exam Name GPSSB Talati Exam
Exam date 7 May 2023
Conducting Body Gujarat Panchayat Service Selection Board
Vacancy 3437
Expected Admit Card Date 27 April 2023 at 01:00 PM (Released)
Download Link Click Here
Official Website

What are the steps to download the OJAS Gujarat Talati Hall Ticket 2023?

  1. Go to the homepage and open the Call Letter/Reference link.
  2. Look for the GPSSB/202122/10 Call Letter for Gujarat Village Panchayat Secretary job option and click on it.
  3. On the login screen, enter your 8-digit Agreement Number and Birth Date in dd-mm-yyyy format.
  4. Print the GPSSB Talati Call Letter on both sides with clear print.
  5. Verify every detail on the hall ticket.
  6. Download the Admit Card PDF picture to your device.
  7. Take out the entrance ticket on an A4 paper size and bring it to the test.

talati exam call letter 2023

Correction for OJAS Gujarat Talati Mantri Call Letter in 2023.

It is advised that participants verify their OJAS Gujarat Talati Mantri Call Letter for any possible errors. In the event of any discrepancies in the candidate’s name, date of birth, photograph, gender, category, etc., please report them promptly to the relevant exam administering authority. You may contact the Gujarat Panchayat Service Selection Board at Block-2, C-Wing, 5th Floor, Karmyogi Bhavan, Sector-10/A, Gandhinagar, Gujarat, 382010 or call 079-232-58563 during business hours. For assistance from the OJAS Helpline, please call 1800 233 5500 during working days from 9:30 AM to 6:10 PM.

To download the call letter for the Talati Cum Ministerial Exam, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the official website of the Gujarat Panchayat Service Selection Board at
  2. Click on the “Call Letter” tab located on the homepage.
  3. From the list of exams, select the Talati Cum Ministerial Exam.
  4. Input the necessary details, such as confirmation number and birth date.
  5. Click on the “Submit” button.
  6. The call letter will appear on your screen.
  7. Double-check the details mentioned in the call letter before downloading it.
  8. To keep a record, print the call letter for future reference.

Here are some revised recommendations for applicants to the Gujarat Gramme Panchayat Secretary Bharti Exam 2023:

  • Make sure to configure your printer to A4 Size and Portrait Layout Mode when printing your admit card on two pages.
  • It is recommended to bring a color print of your hall ticket instead of a black and white one, as it will make the information easier to read.
  • Double-check that the printed copy of your admit card has a clear image of your face and initials. If either is unclear, you may not be allowed into the testing facility. It’s also a good idea to keep two or three additional printouts or physical copies of the call letter in case of an emergency.

If you’re planning to take the GPSSB Talati Cum Mantri 2023 exam, it’s important to understand its format. The Gujarat Village Panchayat Secretary Competitive Written Exam Pattern consists of one written test paper with multiple-choice questions (MCQs). The exam will use an OMR sheet for marking.

The written test will include 100 objective-type questions, each worth 1 point. However, an incorrect response will result in a 0.33-point deduction, and leaving a question blank will also result in a 0.33-point penalty. The exam will be in Gujarati, except for the English Language & Grammar section.

Admit Card for Gujarat Talati Exam

To obtain your GPSSB Talati cum Mantri Admit Card, you must visit the OJAS Web Portal. The Gujarat Municipal Service Recruitment Board will issue the Talati Cum Mantri Written Test Admit Card approximately one week before the test date. It’s important to note that you’ll need to bring a physical copy of your hall ticket to the GPSSB Village Panchayat Secretary test location. For more information, please click here to visit the Rajneetug website.

The GPSSB Talati Recruitment 2023 Call Letters can be downloaded from the official website of the Gujarat Panchayat Service Selection Board. The Call Letters will be available a week before the exam date, which is scheduled for May 7th, 2023, across various centers in the state. To download the Call Letter, candidates need to use their login details. It is mandatory for all candidates to carry a printout of their Call Letter to the exam center, failing which they will not be allowed to appear for the exam. Along with the Call Letter, candidates are required to carry an identity proof such as Aadhaar card, Voter ID card, or Driving License.

The following details will be mentioned on the GPSSB Talati Call Letters 2023:

  • Candidate’s name
  • Candidate’s date of birth
  • Father’s name
  • Mother’s name
  • Roll number
  • Candidate’s photograph
  • Exam date
  • Exam timing
  • Venue of exam
  • Signature of exam conducting authority
  • Rules and regulations to be followed by candidates during exams or before exams.

Here are the steps to download GPSSB Talati Call Letters 2023:

  1. Visit the official website of GPSSB –
  2. On the homepage, click on the link “GPSSB Talati Call Letters 2023.”
  3. Enter the registration number and date of birth in the space provided.
  4. Click on the submit button.
  5. The Call Letter will appear on the screen.
  6. Download and take a printout of the Call Letter for future reference Gujarat Talati Admit Card.

The date for the issuance of Talati recruitment call letters has not been announced yet.

talati exam call letter, talati call letter date, GPSSB Talati Call Letter, Gujarat Talati Admit Card, GPSSB Talati 2023

What is the advertisement number for the Talati exam in 2023?
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According to the notice, the exam is set to occur on May 7th, 2023. The GPSSB released a job notification for Panchayat Secretary (Talati cum Mantri) positions in Gujarat under Advertisement Number 10/2021-22.

When is the Talati Exam in 2023?

As per the Talati-cum-Mantri Exam Schedule for 2023, the exam has been scheduled for January 29th, 2023.

Is talati a class 3?

Talati cum Mantri (Gram Panchayat Mantri) (Class-3) | District Kheda, Government Of Gujarat | India.

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Q: What does the talati call letter contain?

A: The talati call letter contains important information such as the date, time, and venue of the talati exam, the candidate’s roll number, and other important instructions related to the exam.

Q: What is a talati call letter?

A: A talati call letter is an official document that is issued to candidates who have applied for the post of talati in their respective states.

Q: When will the talati call letter be issued?

A: The date of issuance of the talati call letter may vary depending on the state in which the candidate has applied. Candidates are advised to regularly check the official website of the recruiting authority for updates regarding the release of the call letter talati call letter date.

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