aadhaar card center ll aadhar card status ll aadhaar enrollment number ll new aadhar card download ll download aadhar card pdf , बुधवार को पटना साहिब के बेलवरगंज में सीएससी सेंटर पर सेवा का विस्तार किया गया। सेवा विस्तार के क्रम आधार सम्बन्धी सेवाओं का शुभारम्भ किया गया।
आधार सेवा का उद्घाटन पटना की मेयर सीता साहू ने किया। सीएससी सेण्टर संचालक ने बताया कि आधार सेवा सेण्टर पर पूर्व में बने आधार कार्ड के शुद्धिकरण का कार्य किया जायेगा। इस सेण्टर के खुलने से स्थानीय लोगों को इस काम के लिए कही बाहर जाने की जरुरत नहीं पड़ेगी।
उन्होंने बताया कि सेण्टर पर आधार सुधार के साथ-साथ अन्य तमाम सीएससी की सेवाए दी जाएंगी। उद्घाटन के मौके पर सीएससी के जिला पदाधिकारी तनवीर अहमद और गौरव गुंजन भी उपस्थित थें।
Why do I need to have an Aadhaar number? What are the benefits?
- – Direct benefit transfer of LPG subsidy & other subsidies
- – Expediting process of Passport issuance within 10 days
- – Digital Locker access
- – Monthly pension scheme registration
- – Provident Fund access
- – New bank account opening
- – Easy filing of income tax returns
- – Get Digital Life Certificate
- – Secure timely pension pay-outs
- – Opening bank account under Jan Dhan Yojna
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What is the objective of Aadhaar in India?
सेवा का नाम | CSC UIDAI Aadhar work |
सेवा प्रदाता | CSC AND UIDAI |
CSC UIDAI LOGIN | Click Here |
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Is the personal data I submit to UIDAI going to be secure with the Government? How will it be used
The UIDAI is fully responsible for the security and safety of all citizens’ data collected via Aadhaar and guarantees its security to safeguard this held information. Citizen data is accumulated through software and duly encrypted to avoid plausible breach. UIDAI’s security system has embedded and specified storage and security protocols that are followed strictly.
Any government, semi-government or any other organisation can contact Alankit for any Aadhaar related or identical project work.
How will I receive my Aadhaar number?
Where is my nearest Aadhar Card Center?
How to Locate an Aadhar Enrolment Centre?
- Step 1: Visit UIDAI’s website.
- Step 2: Click on “Locate Enrolment & Update Centres in Other Cities”
- Step 3: Select State/Pin Code/Search Box option.
- Step 4: Enter your details such as District/Sub District/Village/Town.
Can I enroll for Aadhaar card online?
What is Aadhar enrollment?
What is enrollment ID in aadhar?
Why Aadhaar card centers are closed?
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Posted by Sanjit Gupta
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